In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, the ocean floods the city of Manhattan. I know that ocean water freezes at -5 degrees Farenhight, but how long does it take the extremely cold air to freeze the surface of the Ocean as seen just a few scenes later?

1 Answer
Feb 22, 2018

This is all sorts of wrong.


The premise of the movie in the first place is based on science that is just wrong. If it was possible for air to come down from the stratosphere to the surface of the Earth, the pressure would increase and therefore the temperature of the air would increase, which pretty much destroys the "science" of the movie.

The statement you made about the freezing point of sea water is incorrect. It freezes at about -5 Celsius or +28 Farenhight. The reason that seawater stays liquid below that temperature is convective currents will mix the water.