Is #f(x) =(x-3)/(3x+1)# concave or convex at #x=0#?

1 Answer
Feb 7, 2016



Find the sign of the second derivative at #x=0#.

  • If #f''(0)<0#, then #f(x)# is concave at #x=0#.
  • If #f''(0)>0#, then #f(x)# is convex at #x=0#.

To find the first derivative, use the quotient rule.





We could use the quotient rule to find the second derivative, but we can also redefine #f'(x)# using negative exponents and use the chain rule:






The sign of the second derivative at #x=0# is




Since this is #<0#, the function is concave at #x=0#.

Typically, concavity resembles the #nn# shape on a graph:

graph{(x-3)/(3x+1) [-12.4, 12.92, -6.47, 6.19]}