Is it possible to heal the central nervous system?

1 Answer
Feb 17, 2017

No. Definitely not.


Nerve cells are not regenerative like skin cells and blood cells. That is why those who experience paralysis from an accident or from polio never recover their mobility. Another example would be Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. You lose memories and motor function because of degenerating nerve cells.

It is advisable that you keep your brain active and busy to prevent early degeneration of nerve cells by learning new languages, exercising regularly or learning to play a musical instrument. You need to stay away from air pollution as well because smog delays oxygen consumption of the brain which causes degeneration.

Scientists are still figuring out why nerve cells do not regenerate on their own and how it can be induced. The only answer found for now is controversial, which is Stem cell treatment. It is not allowed in some countries and the countries that do offer it costs a lot of money.