Is my use of a semicolon correct in this sentence; "There are two ways to organize a compare and contrast essay; Point-by Point, or Block"? Are there any other grammatical errors?

1 Answer
Aug 2, 2016

There is no need for a semicolon or comma in this sentence. In addition, replace the semicolon with a colon. Also, add a dash between "by" and "Point".


Semicolons are used to connect two or more independent clauses. However, semicolons are used to connect items in a list, not introduce them. Use a colon to introduce the list instead of a semicolon.

Additionally, you don't need the comma in between "Point-by-Point" and "Block".

One more thing: add a dash between "by" and "Point". Phrases like this need a dash between every word.

Your corrected sentence is this:

There are two ways to organize a compare and contrast essay: Point-by-Point or Block.