Jamie runs 1 lap in 6 minutes. How many laps can she run in 18 minute?

2 Answers
Nov 14, 2017

See a solution process below"


Let's call the number of laps we are solving for: #l#

We can then write and solve this problem as a relationship:

#l/(18"min") = (1"lap")/(6"min")#

#color(red)(18)color(red)("min") xx l/(18"min") = color(red)(18)color(red)("min") xx (1"lap")/(6"min")#

#cancel(color(red)(18)color(red)("min")) xx l/(color(red)(cancel(color(black)(18"min")))) = color(red)(18)cancel(color(red)("min")) xx (1"lap")/(6color(red)(cancel(color(black)("min"))))#

#l = color(red)(18) xx (1"lap")/6#

#l = cancel(color(red)(18))3 xx (1"lap")/color(red)(cancel(color(black)(6)))#

#l = 3 xx 1"lap"#

#l = 3"lap"#

If Jamie continued to run at the same pace Jamie could run 3 laps in 18 minutes.

Nov 14, 2017

She can run 3 laps.


Jamie can do a lap per minute.

Ratio is #(1 lap)/ (6 min) #

We can set up an algebraic ratio equation:

#(1 lap)/ (6 min) # = #(x laps)/ (18 min) #

x is however many laps she can do in 18 mins. given that she goes at the given speed, 1 lap per 6 mins. Solve for x.


1 lap x 18 mins = x laps x 6 mins

Now, technically the units cross out from both sides. So what's left is:

18 = 6 times x

Divide both sides by 6 to isolate x:

#18/6# = x

We know that 6 x 3 = 18, so 18 divided by 6 is 3.
Jamie can run 3 laps in 18 minutes.