Kellen earned 133 coins in Fruit Ninja yesterday and 278 more today. How many coins has Kellen earned in the last two days?

1 Answer
Nov 16, 2016

Sometimes it is easier to add up numbers if they are in column form.



#color(blue)("Starting point:")#

#ul(278) larr" add"#

#color(blue)("RHS column - 1's")#

Working from right hand side to left hand side #RHS->LHS#

#color(red)(8+3)=11# so write it like this:

#ul(2color(white)(..)7color(white)(..)color(red)(8)) larr" add"#
#" "color(white)(.)1#

Note the 10 carried to the tens column as 1 of 10
#color(blue)("The middle column - 10's")#

Adding the middle column we now have #color(red)(3+7+1)=11#

But as this is the tens column so we have 1 of 10 and 1 of 100.
This time we write:

#ul(2color(white)(..)color(red)(7)color(white)(..)8) larr" add"#

Note the 1 of 100's is carried over into the 100's column

#color(blue)("The LHS column - 100's")#

Adding the LHS column we now have #color(red)(1+2+1)=4#

#ul(color(red)(2)color(white)(..)7color(white)(..)8) larr" add"#
So #" "133+278=411#