#lim_(x->0^+)((x+1)^x + 1)^x=#?

1 Answer
May 11, 2018



This limit may seem tricky, but it actually leads to no undefined forms (like #0^0# for example).

Let's see what happens as #x \to 0^+#: is we substitute all #x#'s with zeroes, the expression is approaching

#(\color(blue)((x+1)^x)\color(red)(+1))^x \to (\color(blue)((0+1)^0)\color(red)(+1))^0 \to (\color(blue)(1^0)\color(red)(+1))^0 \to (\color(blue)(1)\color(red)(+1))^0#

So, while the content of the parenthesis approaches #2#, its exponent approaches zero. The limit behaves like #2^x#, with #x \to 0#, and thus approaches #2^0=1#