Lisa's and her dad's ages combined are 51. Her dad's age is 4 less than 4 times her age. How old is Lisa?

1 Answer
Dec 20, 2016

#L=9.4# years

or #9# years #3# months


Lisa's age: #L#
Dad's age: #D#
Lisa's age and Dad's age combined is 51: #L+D=51#
Dad's age is 4 less than 4 times her (Lisa's) age: #D=4L-4#

You have a value for #D# that is #4L-4#, so substitute that into the other equation:
Adding like terms, #5L-4=51#
Add 4 to each side, canceling out the left: #5L=51-4=47#
Dividing both sides by 5, canceling out the left: #L=47/5=9.4#

9.4 years, or #9 1/4\leftrightarrow# #9# years #3# months