Martin drinks #7 4/8# cups of water in #1 1/3# days and Bryan drinks #5 5/12# cups in #5/6# day. #A#. How many more cups of water does Bryan drink in a day? #B#. A jug holds #20# cups of water. How many days will it take Martin to finish the jug of water?

1 Answer
May 16, 2018

#A:# Bryan drinks #7/8#of a cup more each day.
#B:# A bit more than #3 1/2# days #" "(3 5/9)# days


Do not be put off by the fractions. As long as you know and follow the rules of operations with fractions, you will get to the answer.

We need to compare the number of cups per day they drink.
We therefore need to divide the number of cups by the number of days for each of them.

#A#. Martin: #7 1/2 div 1 1/3" "larr (4/8 = 1/2)#

#=15/2 div 4/3#

#= 15/2 xx3/4#

#=45/8 = 5 5/8# cups per day.

Bryan: #5 5/12 div 5/6#

#= cancel65^13/cancel12_2 xx cancel6/cancel5#

#= 13/2 = 6 1/2#

Bryan drinks more water: subtract to find how much: # 6 1/2 - 5 5/8#

#13/2 - 45/8#

#= (52-45)/8#

#= 7/8# of a cup more water.

#B# Divide : #20 div 5 5/8#

#= 20/1 div 45/8#

#=cancel20^4/1 xx8/cancel45_9#

#=32/9 = 3 5/9# days

This is a little longer than #3 1/2# days.