Mendel's phenotypic ratio in dihybrid cross is 9:3:3:1,what does it mean?

1 Answer
Apr 2, 2018

Dihybrid cross is a cross between two different lines/genes that differ in two observed traits.

Example: Dihybrid cross of two plants one with yellow round seed and another with green wrinkled seed.

#"Parent:" color(white)(.....) "YYRR" × "yyrr"#

#"F"_1: color(white)(....................) "YyRr"#

All the plants produced in #"F"_1# generation are Yellow Round (Phenotypic character).

When #"F"_1# progeny is self fertilised then progeny formed are shown below in Punnet square

Here you can see that phenotypic ratio is

#"9 Yellow Round" : "3 Yellow Wrinkled" : "3 Round Green" : "3 Green wrinkled"#

In a nutshell