Of what colors does white light consist?

2 Answers

seven colors.enter image source here


Violet,indigo,blue,green,yellow orange red.
picrture credit blog1000bulbs.com.

Apr 5, 2017

It depends...


White light necessarily contains a mixture of different frequencies of light, but what mix may be somewhat debatable...

Technically the term "white light" could imply a complete spectrum of colours, from red, through orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue to violet.

However, note that light does not have to be a complete mixture of frequencies to appear white.

For example, pure yellow light has a wavelength of approximately #570#nm, but a suitable mixture of pure red (#~650#nm) and pure green (#~510#nm) has a similar effect on our eyes, thereby appearing yellow.

In a similar way, light that appears white can be synthesised with any of the following combinations:

  • Red, green and blue.
  • Yellow and blue.
  • Red and cyan.

Note that I did not suggest "magenta and green". That would "work" except that magenta is itself not a pure colour.

The ability to simulate (almost) any colour using a suitable combination of red, green and blue is used for displays in televisions, computer monitors, smartphones, etc.