On a map of Durham, Hillside High School and Rogers-Herr Middle School are 6 1/2 inches apart. If every inch represents 1/4 of a mile, how many miles apart are the two schools?

ratio box / proportion method to solve this possibly?

1 Answer
May 9, 2018

Actual distance between schools is #1 5/8" miles"#


Using ratio in fraction format:

#("actual miles")/("inches on map") =(color(white)(".")1/4color(white)("."))/1#

But on the map they are #6 1/2# inches apart #->13/2#

So we need to change the bottom value to #6 1/2#

For multiply and divide, what we do to the bottom we also do to the top.

Multiply top and bottom by #6 1/2 ->13/2#

#("actual miles")/("inches on map") =(color(white)(".")1/4xx13/2color(white)("."))/(1xx13/2)color(white)("d") =color(white)("d") (13/8)/(13/2)color(white)("d") =color(white)("d") (1 5/8" miles")/(6 1/2" inches")#