On what interval is the identity #sin^-1(sin(x))=x# valid?

2 Answers
Oct 8, 2016

See explanation.


In view of the principal value convention, x is confined to be in

#[-pi/2, pi/2]#.

This convention has to be relaxed, if inversion is governed by the

rules that, if locally bijective

#y = f(x)#,

#x= f^(-1)(y), f^(-1)(f(x))=x and f (f^(-1)(y))=y#

If this is done, the interval is #(-oo, oo)#.

This means that #sin^(-1)sin(100pi)=100pi#,

For problems in applications tn which x = a function of time, the

principal-value-convention has to be relaxed.

Having noted that there were 2.8 K viewers, I add more, to

introduce my piecewise-wholesome inverse operators for future

computers, for giving the answer as x for any #x in ( -oo, oo )#.

As of now,

calculators give answer for #sin^(-1)(sin (3600^o))# as 0. Please

wait for more details. As I have to add six illustrative graphs, I

would continue this, in my 2nd answer.

Jul 9, 2018

Continuation of my 1st answer.


On par with the inverse operator #f^(-1)#, I define

( trigonometric function operator sin/cos/tan/csc/sec/cot# )^(-1)#,

with #k = 0, +- 1, +- 2, +- 3, ...#.

( i ) # y = ( sin )^(-1) x = k pi + ( -1 )^k sin^(-1) x #,

#y in [ k pi + pi/2, k pi - pi/2 ]#.

Also, see

( ii ) #y = ( cos )^(-1) x = 2 k pi +- cos^(-1) x#,

#y in [ 2 k pi, ( 2 k + 1 ) pi ]#.

( iii ) #y = ( tan )^(-1) x = k pi + tan^(-1) x#,

#y in ( k pi + pi/2, k pi - pi/2 )#.

( iv ) #y = ( csc )^(-1) x = k pi + ( -1 )^k csc^(-1) x#,

#y in [ k pi - pi/2, k pi ) U ( k pi, k pi + pi/2 ]#.

( v ) #y = ( sec )^(-1) x = 2 k pi +- cos^(-1) x#,

#y in [ 2 k pi, 2 k pi + pi/2 ) U (2 k pi + pi/2, ( 2 k + 1 ) pi ]#.

( vi ) #y = ( cot )^(-1) x = k pi + cot^(-1) x#,

#y in ( k pi - pi/2, k pi ] U [ k pi, k pi + pi/2 )#.

With a nuance, x = tan y is the inverse for both

#y = ( tan )^(-1) x# and #y = tan^(-1)x#.

Algebraically, the subtle difference between #( tan )^(-1)# and

#tan^(-1)# is that the second is not wholesome.

A mon avis, over centuries, the one-piece #( y in ( - pi/2, pi/2 ))#

second is preferred in Middle-School teaching, perhaps, to avoid

the complexity in discussing the piecewise-wholesome inverse. I

am sure that my operators #(tan)^(-1)# and like would be

welcomed by the relatively advanced 21st century students.

See illustrative graphs.

( i ) Graph contrasting #y = ( sin )^(-1 ) x# and #y = sin^(-1) x#:
graph{x - sin y = 0 [-20 20 -10 10]}
graph{y-arcsin x=0[-20 20 -10 10]}
( ii ) Graph contrasting #y = ( cos )^(-1 ) x# and #y = cos^(-1) x#:
graph{x - cos y = 0 [-20 20 -10 10]}
graph{y-arccos x=0[-20 20 -10 10]}
( iii ) Graph contrasting #y = ( tan )^(-1 ) x# and #y = tan^(-1) x#:
graph{x - tan y = 0 [-20 20 -10 10]}
graph{y-arctan x=0[-20 20 -10 10]}