Please, I need your help. I was asked by my instructor to write an argumentative essay about" Education has become a priority not optional" please I need your help and Idea? thank you so much.

1 Answer
Mar 27, 2018

Thesis In today's information based society Education is a priority not an option.


The ability to process information is a necessity in today's society. In the past it was an option. Jobs that in the past did not require an education in today's market do. New jobs that never existed before demand skills and knowledge only gain through education. (introduction)

( first paragraph)
A mechanic today must be able to use computers to analyze engines problems ( transition) In the past a mechanic could learn the trade through hands on education, formal education was an option. List other jobs that now require some form of formal education where educational was a option in the past.

second paragraph.
list jobs like computer programer, air traffic controller that have been created by the information revolution

Conclusion restate the problem
( Well paying jobs that could be done without a formal education are disappearing. The only option for a person without an education might be flipping hamburgers at Mc Donalds. Education providing the ability to process information is now a necessity