Prove that for -1 <= x < 1, "arc" cos(x) = k + arctan((sqrt(1-x^2))/(x)), where k is a constant to be found?

1 Answer
Aug 12, 2018

arccos values are restricted to [ 0, pi ]# and

arctan values are restricted to [ - pi/2, pi/2 ].

The common daomain is [ 0, pi/2 ]. Here, k = 0.

Elsewhere, the shift, from arctan to arc cos is by setting k = pi.

( i ) x = 1/2.

pi/3 = arccos ( 1/2 ) = arctan (sqrt3 ). Here, k =0.

( ii ) x = -1/2.

2/3pi = arccos ( -1/2 ) = pi +( - pi/3 ) = pi + arctan ( -sqrt3 ).

If arctan and arccos are replaced by my piecewise wholesome

( tan )^( - 1 ) and ( cos )^( - 1 ) operators, it is a matter for
