Rank from longest to shortest wavelength?

Place the following transitions of the hydrogen atom in order from longest to shortest wavelength of the photon emitted.

n=7 to n=4
n=5 to n=3
n=4 to n=2
n=3 to n=2

1 Answer
Nov 18, 2017

#bb"D"color(white)(l)(7 → 4) > bb"C"color(white)(l)(5 →3) > bb"B"color(white)(l)(3 → 2) >bb"A"color(white)(l)(4 → 2)#


The electrons that fall to the (#n=2#) shell are the Balmer series. Their emissions are in the visible region and have the shortest wavelengths (400 nm to 700 nm).

The electrons that fall to the (#n=3#) shell are the Paschen series. Their emissions are in the near infrared region and have longer wavelengths (> 700 nm).

The electrons that fall to the (#n=4#) shell are the Brackett series. Their emissions are in the short-wavelength infrared region and have even longer
wavelengths (> 1400 nm).

I have indicated the transitions in the diagram below.

Hydrogen Spectrum
(Adapted from Assignment Point)

In order of decreasing wavelength, the lines are

#color(red)("D") > color(red)("C") > color(red)("B") > color(red)("A")#