The area of a rectangle is 27 square meters. If the length is 6 meters less than 3 times the width, then find the dimensions of the rectangle. Round off your answers to the nearest hundredth.?

2 Answers

#\color{blue}{6.487 m, 4.162m}#


Let #L# & #B# be the length & width of rectangle then as per given conditions,

#L=3B-6 \ .........(1)#

#LB=27 \ .........(2)#

substituting the value of L from (1) into (2) as follows




since, #B>0#, hence we get

#B=1+\sqrt{10}# &

Hence, length & width of given rectangle are

#L=3(\sqrt{10}-1)\approx 6.486832980505138\ m#
#B=\sqrt{10}+1\approx 4.16227766016838\ m#

Jun 24, 2018

length = m = 6.49
width = n = 4.16


Assume that length = #m# and width = #n#.
The rectangle's area will hence be #mn#.
The first statement states "The area of a rectangle is 27 square meters.
Hence #mn=27#.
The second statement states "If the length is 6 meters less than 3 times the width..."
Therefore #m=3n-6#
Now you can create a system of equations:

Replace #m# in the first equation with #3n-6#:
Expand the bracket:
Make a quadratic equation:
Simplify by dividing everything by 3:
Use #(-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)#, where #a# is 1, #b# is -2, and #c# is -9:

Since dimensions must be positive, #n# will be #1+sqrt10#, which to the nearest hundredths is 4.16.
Use #mn=27# to find #m#: