The atmospheric pressure on top of Mt. Everest (elevation 29.028 ft) is 250. mmHg. What is the atmospheric pressure in atm and torr?

1 Answer
Jun 12, 2017

It's so low?


Well, we know that #"1 atmosphere"# or pressure will support a column of mercury that is #760*mm# high. A mercury column is thus a very convenient means to measure LOW pressures (such as occur on a vacuum line) or pressures around about #1*atm#.

And thus we can take the quotient...........

#"Pressure"_"atop Everest"=(250*mm*Hg)/(760*mm*Hg*atm^-1)=0.329*atm#.

And no wonder they usually take bottled oxygen. It must be also hard to get a hot meal in the Himalayas. The boiling point of water under these conditions is round about #70# #""^@C#.

Of course, the pressure in #"Torr"# is the same as the pressure in #mm*Hg#.