The concentration of the appetite-regulating hormone #1.3 times 10^-10# #M# in a fasting person. How many molecules of ghrelin are in 1 L of blood?

1 Answer

Approximately #7.8*10^13# ghrelin molecules are present in a fasting person's blood.


#M# is molarity, units of molarity are #(mol_(solute))/(L_(sol n))#.

Thus there are #1.3*10^-10mol# per liter of blood.

Furthermore, using Avogadro's number, we'll arrive at the solution:

#1.3*10^-10mol* (6.023*10^23 " molecules")/(mol) approx 7.8*10^13" molecules"#

Ghrelin is a protein that functions as a hormone:
