The density of nitrogen is #0.00125 g"/"cm^3#. What is the density expressed in scientific notation?

2 Answers

#1.25xx10^(-3) "g/cm"^3"#


The value is a decimal, meaning that #x# in #10^x#, must be a negative number.

If #10^0 = 1"#, then #0.00125xx10^0 = 0.00125xx1 = 0.00125#,

the value of #x# is the number of zeros in front of the first non-zero number,

In #color(blue)((0.00))125#, there are #color(blue)(3)# zeros.
#0.00125= 1.25xx10^(-3)#.

Jun 26, 2017

#1.25xx10^(-3)" g/cm"^3#


#"a number expressed in scientific notation is of the form"#


#"where " 1<= a< 10" and n is an integer"#

#"write " 0.00125" as a number between 1 and 10"#

#"that is " 1.25#

#"to find n we require the number of decimal places the"#
#"decimal point has to move to be back where it was"#

#"3 places to the left denoted by " 10^(-3)#

#rArr0.00125=1.25xx10^(-3)" g/cm"^3#