The distance between two towns, #"A"# and #"B"# is #350"km"#. The trip takes #3# hours, travelling #x# hours at #120 "km"/"h"# and the remaining time at #60"km"/"h"#. Find the value of #x#. ?

1 Answer
Jun 19, 2018

The value of #x# is #2 5/6# hours.


The trip was

#x# hours at #120# km/h and #(3-x)# hrs at #60# km/h

#:.350= 120*x+ 60*(3-x)# or

#350= 120x- 60x +180 or 60 x =350-180# or

#60 x =350-180 or 60 x = 170# or

#x= 170/60=17/6 = 2 5/6# hours

#=2# hours and #5/6*60=50# minutes

#x = 2 5/6# hours [Ans]