The period of a body under Simple Hormonic Motion is represented by T = P^a D^b S^c. Where P is pressure, D is density, and S is surface tension. Then the value of a, b, c...???

Please explain me clearly....

1 Answer
Apr 9, 2018

T = S sqrt((D)/(P^3))


Your claim is that: T = P^a D^b S^c

By dimensional analysis:

s = ((kg \ m \ s^(-2))/m^2)^a ((kg)/m^3)^b ((kg \ m \ s^(-2))/m)^c

Surface tension is accounted for here as force per unit length. If your understanding is different, adjust the calculation.


s = ((kg )/(m \ s^2))^a ((kg)/m^3)^b ((kg) /( s^2))^c

Working mechanically through the exponentiation, this gives 3 equations in 3 unknowns:

  • kg: \qquad a + b + c = 0

  • m: \qquad -a - 3b = 0

  • s: \qquad -2a - 2 c = 1

It solves as:

a, b, c = -3/2, 1/2, 1

Dimensionally at least, the following should hold:

T = S sqrt((D)/(P^3))