The process of inspiration and expiration during normal respiration between the lungs and the environment? include muscles involved during normal/resting breathing (and whether they are contracting or relaxing)

1 Answer
Mar 30, 2018

The process of respiration is based on difference in pressure between the lungs and the environment.


To increase the volume of the lungs the diaphragm muscle contracts pulling downward and the intercostal muscles relax.
The combination of these muscular actions increase the volume of the lungs decreasing the pressure in the lungs. This is based on Boyle's Law. # P = 1/V # Pressure and volume are inversely related. An increase in pressure causes a decrease in pressure.

When the pressure in the lungs is less than the pressure in the environment air will flow from the high pressure in the environment into the lower pressure in the lungs.

To decrease the volume of the lungs the diaphragm muscle relaxes and the intercostal muscle contract to decrease the volume of the lungs. As the volume of the lungs decreases the pressure in the lungs increases. Air then flows from the high pressure in the lungs to the lower pressure in the environment.

The diaphragm and the intercostal muscles control the volume of the lungs which controls the movement air between the lungs and environment.