The ratio of Rock Songs to Dance songs on Jonathan's MP3 player is 5:6. If Jonathan has between 100 and 120 Rock and Dance songs, how many Rock songs does he have?

2 Answers
Feb 7, 2017

Jonathan has #50# Rock songs.


Let #R# denote the number of Rock songs and #D# the number of Dance songs.

We are given the following information:

  • #R# and #D# are whole non-negative integers (since the number of songs must be whole numbers).

  • #R:D = 5:6#

  • #100 <= R+D <= 120#

Since #R:D = 5:6#, there is some number #n# such that:

#{ (R = 5n), (D = 6n) :}#

Since #5# and #6# have no common factor greater than #1#, then in order for #R# and #D# to be whole numbers, #n# must also be a whole number.

Note that:

#R+D = 5n+6n = 11n#

So we have:

#100 <= 11n <= 120#

Dividing all parts of this inequality by #11# we find:

#100/11 <= n <= 120/11#

Note that:

#9 = 99/11 < 100/11 <= n <= 120/11 < 121/11 = 11#

So the only possible whole value for #n# is #10#, giving:

#{ (R = 5n = 50), (D = 6n = 60) :}#

So Jonathan has #50# Rock songs.

Feb 19, 2017

Jonathan has 50 rock songs.


The ratio defines how big something is compared to something else.

We are given the ratio of rock to dance as 5:6.
This means #5R# songs exist for every #6D# songs.

The ratio also gives us a starting point for calculating exact quantities of the items from a given multiple or range of items.
To do this, simply add the components of the ratio:

In this case #5:6# added gives #5 + 6 = 11#

The range of the total number of songs is given as between 100 and 120. Looking for a number in this range that is also a multiple of 11 gives us #110# which is #11 xx 10#

If we use the same multiplier in the given ratio, then Jonathan

has: #5R xx 10 = 50R# (rock) songs.

He also has #6D xx 10 = 60D# (dance) songs

Total number of songs is #110# which satisfies the given range of the number of songs.

Thanks to George for inspiration to complete this answer.