The sides of Mount Rainier, in Washington, are covered with snow and glaciers. If Mount Rainier were to erupt explosively, what effects would you expect?

1 Answer
Mar 8, 2017

Massive destruction and loss of life


When Mount Vesuvius erupted explosively it sent clouds of volcanic ash which covered the ancient city of Pompeii killing many of the people in the area. Also the city of Hercalium was buried in a mud flow mixed with heated lava.

An eruption of Mount Rainer would create a massive mud flow a mixture of hot lava melted ice which would flow rapidly down the slopes of the mountain. It is possible that Seattle and the surrounding cities and towns would be destroyed. The ash would probably be blown eastward covering farms and towns in Eastern Washington.

The loss of life and destruction of homes and forests could be catastrophic. The eruption of Mount Saint Helens and Mount Vesuvius can be used as illustrations of what might happen if there was an explosive eruption of Mount Rainer.