The star Wolf 1061 has a parallax of 2.34 arcseconds, while the star Ross 652 has a parallax of 1.70 arc seconds. What can you infer from this information?

1 Answer
Dec 4, 2016

The distance of Wolf 1061 = 2.34 parsec = 7.68 light years and the distance of Ross 652 is 1.70 parsec = 5.58 light years.


The distance of a star with parallax 1 arc sec is 1 parsec.

The distance of a star with parallax k arc sec is k parsec.

1 parsec = 206265 AU and 1 light year = 62.9 K AU.

In 3-sd, 1 parsec = 3.28 light years.

The inverse interpretation of the parsec-parallax relation is as


In a circular sector of radius 1 parsec and angle 1 arc sec, the arc

length is 1 AU.

So, 1 parsec =1/(1 arc sec in radian) AU = 206264.8 AU =

206265/62900 light years = 3.28 light years.