The sterilization of the male reproductive system with surgery to what organ?

1 Answer
Jun 11, 2016

The answer to what organ is operated on a male to make him sterile is the Vas Deferens.


The process is called a vasectomy. The vas deferens is a like pipeline connecting the testes (sperm factory) to the urethra (tube where semen and urine pass through). The procedure involves using a surgical string to tie up the vas deferens so that sperm cells produced by the testes will not be included in ejaculation. The future male ejaculation the operation will no longer involve sperm production and instead just seminal fluid from the cowper's gland and prostate gland.

Urologists recommend that men who underwent the operation should first expel the sperm cells stuck in their vas deferens after the operation because it will still contain some sperm cells.

A reminder as well that vasectomy has a low chance of being reversed and that your testicle will be blue as a blueberry but really painful after the operation. So males should really think about this before going through the operation. Although the end gain is that you could have intercourse with a female without getting her pregnant.

Disclaimer: Vasectomy only protects you from having children
with a woman but not from venereal diseases so don't act like a dog and hump everyone you butt sniff after the recovery from the operation.