The sum of 5 consecutive even integers is 160. find the integers. what is the answer to this problem?

pls helpp

2 Answers
Mar 16, 2018

The five consecutive numbers are #30#, #31#, #32#, #33#, and #34#.


Let's call the smallest of the five numbers #x#. That means that the following four numbers are #x+1#, #x+2#, #x+3#, and #x+4#.

We know that the sum of these four numbers has to be #160#, so we can set up an equation and solve for #x#:







Since we set #x# to be the smallest of the five numbers and #x# is #30#, that means that the smallest of the five numbers is #30#. Therefore, the other four numbers are #31#, #32#, #33#, and #34#.

Hope this helped!

Mar 16, 2018

30, 31, 32, 33, 34


Let #n# be an integer, for the next integer to be consecutive to it, you add 1 to it correct?
Consecutive integer to n: #n+1#
Consecutive integer to #n+1#= #n+2#
Consecutive integer to #n+2#= #n+3#
Consecutive integer to #n+3#= #n+4#

Alright so:
#n+(n+1)+(n+2)+(n+3)+(n+4)= 160#
#5n+10= 160#
#5n= 150#

So the integers are
#n+1= 30+1= 31#
#n+2= 30+2= 32#
#n+3= 30+3= 33#
#n+4= 30+4= 34#