The sum of numerrator and the denomenator of a fraction is 14 if 1is subtracted from the neomerator and 3 is added to denominator the fraction is 1/3 find fraction ?

1 Answer



There are ways to work this using Algebra, but let's see if we can do it without it.

We're told that after operations take place, we have a fraction that is equivalent to #1/3#.

At the start of the question we're told that the numerator and denominator summed up equal 14. We're also told that when we subtract 1 from the numerator and add 3 to the denominator, we'll end up with that #1/3# equivalent fraction. So in all we have two numbers that sum to 14, we're adding 2 (in total, #3-1#) and so the sum after we're done equals 16.

Now we can find the fraction by observation:




We got #4/12# by subtracting 1 from the numerator and adding 3 to the denominator, so let's reverse those operations to find our starting fraction:



And just to show it, here's how to do it with Algebra:

Set #n# as the numerator and #d# as the denominator:







Substitute into the first equation:




#:. d=3(5)-6=15-6=9#