The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 48. What is the smallest of these numbers?

2 Answers
Jan 9, 2016

The smallest number is #14#


x= the 1st con.even number
x+2=the 2nd con.even number
x+4=the 3rd con.even number

Add the terms and equate it with the total, 48
#x + (x+2)+(x+4)=48#, simplify
#x +x+2+x+4=48#, combine like terms
#3x+6=48#, isolate x
#x=(48-6)/3#, find the value of x

The 3 con.even numbers are the ff.:
#x=14# #->#the smallest number


#x +x+2+x+4=48#

Sep 25, 2017



We can demote the smallest even number by

# n_1 = 2n #

So, the next consecutive even integers would be

# n_2 = 2(n+1) = 2n + 2 #, and
# n_3 = 2(n+2) = 2n +4 #

So, the sum is:

# n_1+n_2+n_3 = (2n) + (2n+2) + (2n+4 ) #

We are told that this sum is #48#, thus:

# (2n) + (2n+2) + (2n+4 ) = 48 #

# :. 6n + 6 = 48 #
# :. 6n = 42 #
# :. n = 7 #

And with #n=7#, we have:

# n_1 = 14 #
# n_2 = 16 #
# n_3 = 18 #