The time period where people began to question the authority of kings and apply reason, logic and criticism to how countries should be run politically is called.?

1 Answer
May 29, 2018

The Enlightenment


Writers like John Locke wrote that the Divine Right of Kings was not found in the Bible. Locke argued that all men were created equal under God. Thoughts echoed by Thomas Jefferson in the American Declaration of Independence.

In the French Enlightenment writers like Voltaire challenged the claimed authority of religious organization like Roman Catholic Church. French Enlightenment writers like Rousseau argued that human logic and rational reason should be the origin of political authority.

Montesquieu argued that because humans are flawed and easily corrupted by power the governmental power should be limited and separated. The American constitution was based on Montequieu's theories of politics.

The Enlightenment was a period of time when traditional sources of political power were challenged by human logic and reason. Criticism of the traditional power of royalty and church became possible during the Enlightenment and led to the formation of liberal democratic forms of government and politics.