This is an assignment I need to work on but I need some suggestions? If you have some ideas, please share. Thanks?!!
1 Answer
I have a few ideas.
Alright, when thinking about these two works, think, what are they about? Once you think about it, you can notice some similarities. I believe they both resemble Christianity, and they have been written down. Aha, but where have they been written down? That could be a difference. (Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament, Psalm 23 in the Hebrew Bible.) Now, how about their themes (ideas)?
The Sermon on the Mount is the longest piece of teaching from Jesus in the New Testament. It's about... actually I don't know that. But I'm sure you can find the theme here:
If you would like to do the same with Psalm 23, look here:
To find differences, look at their themes and find little differences between the two. They might be small, little details, so read the theme carefully. I recommend making a summary of the two passages and find the differences from there.
If you still need help, you can watch this video:
Hope this helped you!