Unit Conversion Help?

How do i convert 0.4174 mg/dl into mM or mmol/l?


1 Answer
Dec 9, 2017

You have a concentration, with units of #"mass"/"volume"#....


Now to find the concentration, we clearly need to find the molar quantity, in which case we need the molar mass of whatever stuff we are dissolving.

Let us suppose that we gots #NaCl#, i.e. #"solubility" =0.4174*mg*dL^-1#...now #1*dL-=1xx10^-1*L#...and so we gots #0.4174*mg# (not much!) dissolved in #0.1*L-=100*mL#..

#"Concentration"-=((0.4174xx10^-3*g)/(58.44*g*mol^-1))/(0.100*L)=7.14xx10^-4*mol*L^-1#...not very substantial....

We could also report the concentration in #"ppm"-=mg*L^-1#
