Using residu theorem solve integrale ∫(1/(1+x^4))dx integrale from -∞ to +∞ ?? many thanks
1 Answer
I = int_(-oo)^(oo) 1/(1+x^4) \ dx = (pisqrt(2))/2
Sorry that this is such a long solution:
We seek:
I = int_(-oo)^(oo) 1/(1+x^4) \ dx
graph{1/(1+x^4) [-5, 5, -2.5, 2.5]}
The function is well defined over the domain
f(z) =1/(1+z^4)
And its associated contour integral:
oint_C \ f(z) \ dz
We will restrict
z^4+1 = 0 => z^4=-1
We can readily solve this equation by putting the equation into polar form and using DeMoivre's Theorem
z^4 = cospi+isinpi => z = {cos(pi+2npi)+isin(pi+2npi)}^(1/4)
:. z = cos((pi+2npi)/4)+isin((pi+2npi)/4)
\ \ \ \ \ \ = costheta+isintheta wheretheta=((pi+2npi)/4), n in NN
{: (n, theta, z, "designation"), (0, pi/4, sqrt(2)/2+isqrt(2)/2, omega), (1, (3pi)/4, sqrt(2)/2-isqrt(2)/2, omega^3), (1, (5pi)/4, -sqrt(2)/2-isqrt(2)/2, omega^5), (1, (7pi)/4, sqrt(2)/2-isqrt(2)/2, omega^7) :}
We need only be concerned with the two poles in Q1 and Q2, that (providing we make
So then:
oint_C \ f(z) \ dz = int_(-R)^(R) \ f(x) \ dx + int_(gamma_R) \ f(z) \ dz
If we denote the first solution by
Then by the residue theorem:
oint_C \ f(z) \ dz = 2pii xx ( ("sum of the residues of the"), ("poles of " f(z) " within "C) )
" " = 2pii \ { res_(z=omega) \ f(z) + res_(z=omega_3) \ f(z) }
We have simple poles, so:
1/(1+z^4) = 1/((z-omega)(z-omega^3)(z-omega^5)(z-omega^7))
And we can calculate the residues as follows:
res_(z=omega) = lim_(z rarr omega) (z-omega)/(1+z^4)
" " = lim_(z rarr omega) (1)/(4z^3) (using L'Hôpital's rule)
" " = 1/4omega^-3
" " = 1/4e^((5pi)/4i)
res_(z=omega^3) = 1/4e^((7pi)/4i)
So using these results along with the residue theorem we get:
oint_C \ f(z) \ dz = (2pi i) { 1/4e^((5pi)/4i) + 1/4e^((7pi)/4i)}
" " = (2pi i) { 1/4(-sqrt(2)/2-sqrt(2)/2i) + 1/4(sqrt(2)/2-sqrt(2)/2i)}
" " = (2pi i) ((-sqrt(2)i)/4 )
" " = (pisqrt(2))/2
Earlier we established that:
oint_C \ f(z) \ dz = int_(-R)^(R) \ f(x) \ dx + int_(gamma_R) \ f(z) \ dz
Now, as we let
oint_C \ f(z) \ dz = int_(-oo)^(oo) \ f(x) \ dx + int_(gamma_R) \ f(z) \ dz
:. (pisqrt(2))/2 = int_(-oo)^(oo) 1/(1+x^4) \ dx + int_(gamma_R) \ f(z) \ dz
As is often the case with contour integrals, we find that:
lim_(R rarr oo) int_(gamma_R) \ f(z) \ dz = 0
I will omit the proof (as it is several pages long) but this can be verified using the Estimation Lemma. Hence, in summary we have:
int_(-oo)^(oo) 1/(1+x^4) \ dx = (pisqrt(2))/2