What advantage does radiometric dating have over relative dating?

1 Answer
Jun 8, 2018

Actually none. radiometric dating can not easily be used to date fossils and when the dates between the radioactive dates contradict the relative dates based on fossils the fossils always win.


radiometric dating can not be used to date fossils.
1. Most fossils do not contain Carbon so Carbon 14 radiometric dating can not be used to date a fossil that does not contain Carbon.
2. Carbon 14 has a half life of only 5,700 years. ( approximately) This means in 10 half lives 57,000 years. There is not enough Carbon 14 left to used for radioactive dating. Few fossils are thought to be younger than 57,000 years.
3. All other forms of radioactive dating are based on the radioactive decay of igneous rocks. Only a very few cases of fossils being found in igneous rocks are known. The vast majority of fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Radioactive dating can not be used to date sedimentary rocks.
4. radioactive dating often gives dates that are not accurate. Lava flows from active volcanos in Hawaii have given dates as old as 27 million years. Radioactive material can be eroded away changed by heat and chemical reactions.
5. When the radioactive date contradicts the relative age as determined by the fossils the fossil date is always considered to be the better value. No geologist uses radioactive dating to do more than confirm dates established by the fossils using Darwin's theory of descent with modification.