What are abiogenesis and biogenesis?

1 Answer
Feb 4, 2017

abiogensis is the theory that living cells came into existence from non living chemicals, biogenesis is the theory that life comes life


Abiogensis replaced the earlier theory of spontaneous generation. Before the experiments of Louis Pastour people believed that living things could come from non living things. The empirical evidence disproved that this happens in the observable present.

Abiogensis was proposed as the origin of life some time in the distance prehistoric past. Charles Darwin suggested that perhaps life originated in a warm pond filled with chemicals. This is one of the first theories of Abiogensis.

Cell theory says that life comes from life, or cells come from cells.
This is biogenesis. This is an observable law in the present. This is what biogenesis says. Life never comes from non living chemicals.

The question is how did the first cells originated. Several theories have been proposed, DNA first, RNA first, proteins first, crystals and even outer space. None of these theories have been able to explain how the complex specified information needed for a self replicating cell came into existence. No known natural causes are able to explain the origin of the cell. Random chance has been shown to be so improbable as be impossible.