What are the asymptotes and removable discontinuities, if any, of #f(x)= (x^2)/(x-2)^2-1/x#?

1 Answer
Dec 7, 2017

graph{(x^3-(x-2)^2)/((x-2)^2*x) [-45.1, 47.4, -22.3, 23.93]}


There are two types of asymptotes:
Firstly, those which are not in the domain:
that is x=2 and x=0
Secondly, that have a formula: y=kx+q
I do it like this (there may be a different way to do it)

In the type of limit where #xrarroo# and power functions you look only for the highest power so #y=Lim_(xrarroo)(x^3.....)/(x^3.....)=1#
The same goes for #xrarr-oo#