What are the Boltzmann factors?

1 Answer
Sep 14, 2017

A general ratio of the population of states can be written in statistical mechanics as:

#N_i/N = (g_i e^(-betaepsilon_i))/(q) = (g_i e^(-betaepsilon_i))/(sum_i g_i e^(-betaepsilon_i))#


  • #g_i# is the degeneracy of state #i# with energy #epsilon_i#.
  • #beta = 1/(k_BT)# is a constant containing the Boltzmann constant and temperature.
  • #N_i# is the number of particles in state #i# and #N# is the total number of particles.

If we then consider a single state relative to energy zero, we have two states such that:

#N_1/N_0 = N_1/N cdot N/N_0#

#= (g_1 e^(-betaepsilon_1))/cancel(g_0 e^(-betaepsilon_0) + g_1 e^(-betaepsilon_1)) cdot cancel(g_0 e^(-betaepsilon_0) + g_1 e^(-betaepsilon_1))/(g_0 e^(-betaepsilon_0))#

Since the #N#'s cancel out, you can see that this can be extended to any number of states. If we then let energy zero be #epsilon_0 = 0#, then:

#(N_i)/(N_0) = (g_i)/(g_0) e^(-betaepsilon_i)#

Thus, the population of state #bbi# with some energy higher than energy zero is given by #e^(-betaepsilon_i) = e^(-epsilon_1//k_BT)#, weighted by the ratio of the degeneracies #g_i# and #g_0#.

We call #e^(-epsilon_i//k_BT)# the Boltzmann factor for state #i#.