What are the holes (if any) in this function: #f( x ) = \frac { x ^ { 2} - 14x + 49} { x ^ { 2} - 10x + 21}#?

1 Answer
Dec 3, 2017

This #f(x)# has a hole at #x=7#. It also has a vertical asymptote at #x=3# and horizontal asymptote #y=1#.


We find:

#f(x) = (x^2-14x+49)/(x^2-10x+21)#

#color(white)(f(x)) = (color(red)(cancel(color(black)((x-7))))(x-7))/(color(red)(cancel(color(black)((x-7))))(x-3))#

#color(white)(f(x)) = (x-7)/(x-3)#

Note that when #x=7#, both the numerator and the denominator of the original rational expression are #0#. Since #0/0# is undefined, #f(7)# is undefined.

On the other hand, substituting #x=7# into the simplified expression we get:

#(color(blue)(7)-7)/(color(blue)(7)-3) = 0/4 = 0#

We can deduce that the singularity of #f(x)# at #x=7# is removable - i.e. a hole.

The other value at which the denominator of #f(x)# is #0# is #x=3#. When #x=3# the numerator is #(color(blue)(3)-7) = -4 != 0#. So we get a vertical asymptote at #x=3#.

Another way of writing #(x-7)/(x-3)# is:

#(x-7)/(x-3) = ((x-3)-4)/(x-3) = 1-4/(x-3) -> 1# as #x->+-oo#

So #f(x)# has a horizontal asymptote #y=1#.