What are the two major stages of a plant's life cycle?

1 Answer
Apr 12, 2018

1.Vegetative stage
2. Reproductive stage


The life cycle of an annual plant starts its life with seed germination. The seedling formed as a result of germination grows into mature plant with distinct shoot and root system. The shoot system consists of stem and leaves. This is vegetative stage of life cycle.

The mature plant then bears flowers , which are reproductive structures. The appearance of flowers on the plant onsets the transformation of vegetative stage into reproductive stage. The flower bears stamens producing pollen grains and carpels producing ovules in ovary part. Stamen and carpel are male and female part of the flower.

The pollination results in fertilization of the ovule , that ripens into seed. The ovary ripens to form fruit. The seeds are dispersed after the dehiscence of the fruit. The plant bears flowers and produce fruits and seeds in the reproductive stage .

The seeds on liberation are dispesed by different agecies and germinate to form new plant again to repeat the same cycle.