What are the #x#-intercepts of the function #f(x) = -4x^2-16x-12#?

1 Answer
May 16, 2017

The x-intercepts are #(-1,0)# and #(-3,0)#.


The x-intercepts are the solutions to #x# when #y=0#.

Substitute #0# for #f(x)#.


Factor out the common term #-4#.


Factor #x^2+4x+3#.

Find two numbers that when added equal #4# and when multiplied equal #3#. The numbers #1# and #3# meet the requirements.

Rewrite the equation as two binomials.


Divide both sides by #-4#.


#(color(red)cancel(color(black)(-4))(x+1)(x+3))/(color(red)cancel(color(black)(-4)))=0/(-4) #


Solutions for #x#.



graph{-4(x^2+4x+3)=y [-11.16, 11.34, -6.975, 4.275]}