What can happen to your brain with repeated concussions?

1 Answer
Apr 4, 2016

It will definitely alter the chemistry of the person's brain because of the damage it accrues. It will be shown that the person will have drastic behavior changes.


The brain is a soft and delicate tissue. For it to accrue damage, its function will definitely be altered.

A good example would be WWE wrestler Chris Benoit. He was diagnosed to have a 70 year old man's brain composition even if he was only in his early 30's because of the multiple concussions he had during his career because he used his head a lot times in matches. Eventually, things did not go really well for him and his family. I will not go into details. So that will show you, do not always use your head literally to the point it will get permanently damaged. We only have 1 brain and it is irreplaceable.