What can humans do to reduce their impact on Earth's ecosystems?

1 Answer
Apr 25, 2016

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.


Those are the three things to consider for any resource use.

First – DON'T use it if you really don't need to! This applies to all of our wastes. Apart from the (irrational) inefficiency of waste, any time you use a resource (energy, food, water, minerals) that you really do not NEED you are impacting the ecosystem more than you should.

Second – reuse or 'repurpose' things that may not really suitable for their original intended use anymore. Bottles can be reused not only for other liquids (or refills), but made into many things that you might otherwise buy, such as planters and skylights.

Third, if you really cannot reuse it, recycle the material. If you think about this before you purchase items, you can ensure that future recycling is included in the lifecycle instead of complaining or worrying about a lack of recycling options later on.