What characterizes speciation in new areas, such as a recently formed island?

1 Answer
Apr 5, 2017

According to Biogeography (Island Theory), the driving forces are distance from mainland and area of the island.


Rate of colonization (species richness) depends on two factors:
area of the new island and distance between the new island and the mainland (continent, for instance).

Number of mammalian species in Great Basin Sky Islands was computed by the formula: #S=1.118*A^0.326# where A is area of an island of concern. For bird species, a similar expression (#S=2.526*A^0.165#) was also developed.

It is difficult to colonize far islands (from mainland). However, everything is dynamic in the environment. Turnover rate is one important variable and computed by extinctions, additions, human introductions, immigrations (which is defined as additions-human introductions).

The theory of Island Biogeography (2017) University of Windsor. Available on the internet: web2(dot)uwindsor(dot)ca(slash)courses(slash)biology(slash)macisaac(slash)55-437(slash)lecture9(dot)htm