What common traits do organisms share in group Crustacea?

1 Answer
May 30, 2017

Crustaceans are characterised by a hard exoskeleton, jointed legs and a bilaterally symmetrical segmented body.


Main features of crustaceans are :

  • a hard exoskeleton made up of calcium.
  • the head has two compound eyes, two pairs of antennae and
    three pairs of mouth parts.
  • a pair of green glands excrete waste near the base of antennae.
  • the abdominal segments have swimming legs.
  • the sexes are separate
  • the tail is fan shaped and ends in uropod and telons.
  • the circulatory system is open. There is no heart and the blood is
    pumped into sinuses instead of a closed loop.
  • the nervous system consists of a primitive ventral nerve cord and
    ganglia system.

Most crustaceans live in water, but some live on land. There are about 30,500 known species of crustaceans around and he world.