What country suffered from Apartheid laws?

1 Answer
Jun 13, 2016

South Africa.


There had been racial discrimination in South Africa as long as it had been settled by whites. However with the coming to power of the white Boer community after World War 2, this discrimination was formalised and structured through a series of apartheid laws.

These laws classified and in some cases re-classified the population into racial groups. Pass Laws and homelands determined where people could leave. These laws were imposed with considerable brutality.

Those classified as coloured and black suffered from a total lack of basic human, political and economic rights. The international community supported the regime economically whilst paying lip service in criticising it. There was huge investment in an economy with a ready supply of cheap black labour who had no recourse to any right of protest, access to human rights or given any health and safety protection.

Apartheid disappeared as developments in the early 90's as Nelson Mandela was released and multi racial elections were held.