What do these symbols mean?

I've searched on the web for some of these symbols but I don't know what they mean:

1) mol^-1
2) dm^-3

I usually see mol^-1 represent "something per mole", but I am not 100% sure of this. If someone could confirm with me, that would be greatly appreciated.

Also, for dm^-3 , I usually see this unit pop up for concentration questions. My question is, how do I say it? For example, if I am reading a presentation to my classmates, how would I say the concentration of this compound is 1 mol dm^-3 ? If someone could also clarify this issue with me, I'd be greatly thankful.

Lastly, just out of curiosity are there any other abbreviations that I should be concerned about, for example, unit^-2, unit^-4, etc?


1 Answer
Jul 4, 2016

You are correct, mol^(-1) = 1/(mol) or "per mole".

dm is a decimetre which is a unit of length. Cubing it gives a volume so dm^(-3) = 1/((dm)^3) which is "per volume". You would say "moles per cubic decimetre". Incidentally, a cubic decimetre is the exact same volume as a litre, giving the unit for concentration as moll^(-1) ("moles per unit litre") which rolls of the tongue a little bit nicer.