What do you consider to be the hindrances posed by the hot desert ecosystem to human habitation?

1 Answer
Apr 29, 2018

The temperature, shortage of water and food.


The lack of water is perhaps the greatest hinderance. Without water a human will die within three to a maximum of seven days.
Most human habitation in the hot deserts occur around oasis where water can be found.

The lack of water in the hot desert contributes to a lack of food. Without water plants can not grow. The plants are the foundation of the food webs within the desert. Because there are few plants there are few animals in the desert. There is little food then to support human habitation.

The temperature doesn't prevent human habitation but makes it uncomfortable and difficult. Humans can make shelters and hide from the heat. It is the combination of heat and lack of water that kills.

The lack of water is the greatest hinderance to humans living in the hot desert. The lack of water contributes to a lack of food, while the high temperatures makes living in the desert uncomfortable and difficult.