What element of the periodic table has the simplest atomic orbitals?

1 Answer
Dec 14, 2014

Both hydrogen and helium atoms in the ground state have the simplest occupied orbital.

All elements of the Periodic Table have exactly the same atomic orbitals.

Even a hydrogen atom has 1s, 2s, 2p, 3d, 4f, 9d, etc. orbitals.

But in the ground state, every orbital above n = 1 is unoccupied.

The 1s orbital is the simplest orbital. It has no nodes and is spherically symmetrical.

A hydrogen atom in the ground state has one electron in the 1s orbital. A helium atom has two electrons in the 1s orbital.

So both hydrogen and helium atoms in the ground state have the simplest occupied atomic orbital.

Its single electron occupies a spherically symmetrical 1s orbital.