What happened in the Amristar Massacre?

1 Answer
Apr 20, 2017

Read the explanation to know in detail what happened in April of 1919.


To go into some more detail, the British were occupying the entire subcontinent of India (which still included Pakistan back then). Many Indians, mainly composed of Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs, were not enjoying life under British imperialist rule.

On one day, a mass gathering of Indians united in April of 1919. Most of them unknowing of the rule that there can not be mass gatherings such as this, attended in hopes to convince the British to leave, nonviolently.

Unfortunately, without warning, General Dyer of the British troops, ordered the firing of the crowd, who gathered together face to face with the troops. About 379 died from the brutal killing, and more were injured. General Dyer believed he was right in doing this and in court defended his actions.

This incident sparked anger and outrage in the Indian people. They began to feel a new level of hatred, but amazingly turned to nonviolent protesting, also known as civil disobedience.

Without going into too much detail, here is what happened:

  • A mass of Indian people gathered in Amritsar to protest nonviolently. There were motivational speeches happening within the crowd.

  • British General Dyer became aware, and attempted to bring out a tank a long with many soldiers. The tank could not make it to the field, but the soldiers were enough. He ordered fire without any warning, killing hundreds.

  • About 379 died and many more were left injured, and the field of laying bodies sparked an urgent movement of Indian nationalism, a unified hatred against British oppression which would soon lead to rebellions.

  • Gandhi is very apparent throughout all of this, and he leads the nonviolent movement and controls the civil disobedient events. He tried to unify Hindus and Muslims and Sikhs as well.

  • Indians learned that they needed to come together to rise against the British, which was no easy task.

  • The British learned that Indians will do anything (even passively give in to arrest) to gain their independence through nonviolence.

All in all, this was one of the most important events in Indian history, one that helped inspire Indians to gain their independence.